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Notice of the 2021 EGKA AGM on Sunday 7th November 2021

All members of the EGKA are invited to attend and we have opted for an online AGM again this year, to limit travel and hopefully to make it more accessible to everyone.


Online via Zoom.


Log on from 09:50 with the secretary sending details nearer the time.

The AGM will commence at 10:00.

Anticipated close of business on or before 12:00pm.

All committee positions (with the exception of Chairman) are voted on each year, so if you wish to be a part of the committee please let the secretary know and Petra can put your name forward. These roles include secretary, treasurer, membership secretary, compliance officer, online / social media.

In order to deal with all the usual matters and conclude the AGM in good time anyone wishing to raise an issue under ‘any other business’ is requested to submit their question or request by email to the EGKA secretary no later than Friday, 1st November 2021.